WDE Literacy

K-3 Reading Training Modules



Full course description

Welcome to the K-3 Literacy Modules produced in collaboration with our partners at AIR.  This series of 10 courses provides an overview of the knowledge and skills required of early reading teachers and all early education professionals.  This training series can be used to partially meet the K-3 Reading Assessment and Intervention professional learning competencies.  

The module sequence and content aligns with Wyoming's key defined competency skills for early literacy.  

  • The sequence begins with two overview modules (Modules 1-2) that provide background knowledge, introduce explicit instruction and structured literacy methodologies, and frame the subsequent content focused modules aligned with the National Reading Panel’s (2000) five pillars as well as writing.
  • The modules focused on Word Reading Skills (Modules 3-7) outline how phonological and phonemic awareness skills support phonics instruction and ultimately the ability to fluently decode text.
  • The phonics modules (Modules 4-6) systematically and sequentially introduce concepts along a developmental continuum.
  • The modules focused on Language Comprehension Skills (Modules 8-9) cover vocabulary, morphology, and comprehension skills.
  • The module detailing writing instruction (Module 10) follows the comprehension module in order to connect how writing reinforces and deepens comprehension.

Module content will include essential topics based on the science of reading and will integrate essential content and pedagogical knowledge into information on assessment, instruction, differentiation, and intervention.  Brief activities and assessments are embedded in each module, enabling participants to gauge their progress and apply their knowledge.

Sign up for this course today!
